Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Distribution Of Wealth
Other theories of course fall into the crumbling housing market... how the failed variable rate mortgages have been the down fall of many institutions and american families. De regulation of the banking system, the money drain known as the war on terrorism, and dependence of foreign goods have all fallen victim to cause of our current crisis.
I'm here to offer the REAL reason this country is experiencing staggering unemployment rates, and dwindling saving funds. I am here to declare there is a much larger money sucking beast than our wars on intangibles, or Insurance Company retreats. There is a definite skew in our distribution of wealth.
I'm not talking about CEO executives living off the fat that is intended to trickle down. As disgusting as that is I'm talking of course of the Vacuum known as the entertainment industry.
While I could go on for ages about how it seems so surreal that some doctors and teachers are working 60 hours a week to feed their families while movie stars and athletes are just tossed fat sums of cash for smiling or walking from point A to B. But that's not what I'm ranting about right now. Americans love their entertainment it's definitely a normal good, and in such dire times it certainly is becoming more of a necessity. They are paid that way because there's a demand for it. It is what it is.
No. What's really grinds my gears is the fact that SOMEBODY keeps giving the Wayan Brothers money to continue to make crap like this...
really?! Didn't disaster movie just come out? Was epic movie not enough? Did enough people really go see Meet the Spartans? WHO THE HELL KEEPS FUNDING THIS CRAP! If you feel the need to laugh at crappy movies... jesus why not just get a couple of friends together... spend your nine dollars on beer, watch the original at home and make fun of it your own damn self! Trust me your money is better spent there.
To me there is this sense of laziness present when you have to have someone else make fun of things for you. I've said it before and I'll say it again... these movies are the foundation of what's wrong with America. They promote unwise spending, instant gratification, and the lack of ambition to be creative or self-motivated.
In conclusion however... Role Models was a charming film.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
PDR: Get a Pew for Christsakes
So first I'd like to share a short antic dote that did not happened directly to me but that I would not doubt many of us have seen before.
A friend of mine was recently enjoying a late lunch at Noodles and Company when he notices a couple across from him about to sit down for their meal. Everything seems to be going normally when all of a sudden the man begins to pray over his food. A classic case of what I like to call....

Public displays of religion (which will now be referred to as PDR) occur in most religions... but the ones that grind my gears the most seem to take place within the Christian religion. Whether it is leaching outside locals bars looking for a new piece of convert or their attempts to draw attention to themselves with things like what occur at Noodles it always feels so forced, gaudy, and self righteous.
I don't have anything wrong with loving Jesus... that's cool, but to be Christian is to be Christ-like, and I just can't imagine Jesus walked around...
"Man I am so glad I died for sins. I love me soooo much... hey hey Jew! Guess what? I love me and I died for you! Ya buddy... All me! Up HIGH!"
My belief is that love for Jesus is just like regular love... in the sense that if you want be on your knees worshiping all night till you scream "LORD!" in your own house then that's your business. Think of loving Jesus as loving your body... it's healthy to do it privacy, in public... it's called Indecent Exposure.
And what kind of country is this that I can't smoke in a bar, but I have to be exposed to second-hand religion? No sir. I'm not say a person shouldn't be free to thank god for the meal... but... Him Damnit... he's fucking omnipotent.... not deaf! Be humble about it you jackass....
I guess what I'm saying is... when PDR happens... these people aren't concerned with showing Jesus how much they love him... but that other people know how much they love him.
I appreciate Jesus for his love of God and his belief that he could sacrifice himself to save humanity... but... that's between Jesus and myself... same goes for God. It's not important to me that people know that I love God... it's important to me that God knows that... and if he's really omnipotent ... then he knows before I even say it.
In conclusion... remember the sweetness of subtly. Wearing a cross (well most crosses. please see above.) is like a sweet smile for or a holding hands with Jesus. Obviously praying in a public restaurant is like giving Jesus a hand job in public. It's awkward for everyone involved.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Parody Movie: Instant Gratification
WHEN IN THE HELL IS THIS GOING TO STOP! It's as ridiculous as when VH1 started I love the millennium.
Since 2000 this company has made... nine of these fucking things... four of which being scary movies... the others being date movie, epic movie, hero movie, meet the spartans, and now disaster movie. The last three were just release THIS YEAR!
Some of these movies they parody aren't even on DVD yet?! IRON MAN IS STILL THEATRES!!! It's getting so fucking ridiculous...
Ok yes scary movie was kinda enjoyable.. granted I was 14 when I saw it. but I mean... how in the hell do they keep finding money to make these pieces of crap!?
Why don't they just start making parodies of movies that haven't come yet? I can just see it...
Coming this fall.... The Trailer Movie....
Fact of the matter is I would rather sit thru 5 land before times than waste my time even watching 20 minutes of this crap. I hated Juno the first time... why would I want to see a terrible parody of it not even a year after I saw it.
If I wanted to see bad parodies of recent movies it's called fuckin SNL! Or madtv... or hell Best Week Ever for christsakes!!! That's right... I'd rather sit thru an episode of Best Week Ever...
Make me worry about this generation and our predisposition to alhemziers... really if we need to have reminded of things that happen two days ago... *shudders*
i feel like we are in an age of instant gratification... we are no longer willing to wait. And that's a BIG problem. It worries me.
I mean these maybe just be crappy movies we're talking about but they are reflection of the way our generation is... we use and abuse all in the same week.
I know people barely 24 hours older than I am that have been married, divorced, and had kids... at 22!? *scoff* slow the fuck down people. What in the hell are you going to do when you're 35?
James and I were talking about this other day... with technology and stuff... everyone is just so ... everything... here... now... bam bam bam bam! People are under the misconception that life is so short.
People life is fucking long! And yeah I know... death is scary... trust me it keeps me awake some nights... but I mean... my grandma is 78. 78!? It's ok to slow down once in awhile...
think of... think of the old spice commercial with Neil Patrick Harris. What makes them funny is that he played a doctor as a kid... the joke got seasoned with age. Life is the same way... like... think of some the grown up movies you watched as a kid... sometimes they are a lot funnier now that you understand... like Back to the Future.
My point... life needs to slow down. And these terrible movies have to stop being made.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Swing Vote
Until THIS!!!!
He speaks to me in a language I can hear.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Next! (Disgusting!)
Take for example... Paris... from Next!
this episode was on last night, and yes I think less of myself for keeping it on, and even more less of myself to staying through the commercial break. what this clip doesn't show is that afterwards they ask why Paris has such white teeth... answer? White nail-polish. What in the fuck is wrong with kids these days? Where the fuck are their parents? And why are we encouraging them to be on TV?
20 years from now (assuming that kid lives another 20 years if he's ingesting white nail polish on a daily basis :S) that kid has to look back on that episode. Both! Of those kids. It's not the homosexuality... really it's not... it's that bad dialog, horrible acting, and blatant disregard for self-respect that makes me uncomfortable as the laughter that emits from the other four dudes in the van.
Shows like this really make me question the moral fiber of society. Granted it's not burning and raping villages in the name of God. In historical context making an ass of yourself is a far less crime... but in the here and now... are there really people like that in this world?
in real life would you prove your love to me by eating a pig's vagina (Tila Tequila) or can anyone really be in love with Flava Flav... or Brett Michaels... and seriously what self-respect Marine (gay or straight) would even consider dating a man wearing an origami belt and paints their teeth with nail polish?
Let me rephrase my concern. These people do it because they are getting paid, and fame. They do it because there is a DEMAND for it. My concern is with the demographic of demand. What makes everyday people like you and me stop and watch this smut.
Does it make us feel better about ourselves? Is it like watching a human train wreck where you can't look away? Or simply secretly do we RELATE to these people in some sick way.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My Favorite Customer
After she took her pills she came back and dropped the cup off it have it thrown it away and she tells me... "You know today is my birthday... that was such a wonderful gift thank you. You are very caring and considerate you're mother must be so proud. She raised you right."
I literally almost cried...I could barely say thank you. I'm gonna remember that lady for the rest of my life. Not cause she gave a tip (she didn't btw), Not because she bought over 1000 dollars worth of merch because I went to school with her niece, and not because she asked if I had Space Commands for Sony VCRS.
No. Because having someone genuinely APPRECIATE your hospitality is worth so much more than any spiff, tip, or bullshit incentive people need to be fucking human to other people. All I did was treat her like i want people to treat me.. it was nothing special. If I was taking a pill I'd like water...
Not to sound like a bitch, but I do know that I do a lot for a lot people. I'm not blind to the fact that I do many nice things, and sometimes for people who aren't always nice to me. But the "goal" behind that I guess... Is... how I treat you. That's how I want to be treated. If you did the things for me that I did for you even just once a month... you realized how really it's not all that heroic. Cover a meal once and awhile, burn me a cd you know I would love, bring me breakfast at work. Honestly you don't have to spend any money, even just a short message, or text, or call... just saying... "You're a good friend. Thank you." ... Just like my new favorite customer... all she did was thank me for being me.
They are little things, and at a very little cost, and the fufillment you get from making someone's day is worth everything you put into it. It's more than being a good friend, or employee, or customer... it's just geniuely being a good person. EVERYONE has the capablitiy and means to do so. All it takes it even just once... treat someone how you would like them to treat you.
Not that I'm expert on customer service or life in generally, but I think employees AND customers... all people really would benefit so much from that simple piece of advice... think of how you'd want to be treated in that situation. I know I'm not cracking any new mantras but I think it's such a simple and easy theory to employ and so many people don't. I mean I'm not a saint... there are days that I don't... but I mean... it works...
because uh... when was the last time someone called you kind and considerate?
And I know 100 other customers will follow her that will treat me like shit no matter how nice I am... but you know... that's cool... I'll take the abuse.... because as long as ONE person reminds me that I was raised right. Then it's always worth it.
And now you know the rest of the story...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
You Got TOM'D : The Drama of the Top 8
Before I begin I have two anecdotes of sorts. The first... is actually a comic... it's one of my favorite Penny Arcades to date...

right-click to enlarge
The next anecdote is actually an inside joke between Kurtiss and myself about the audacity of when one of your top friends removes you as a friend and Tom is added onto your profile in their stead. We refer to this as being "Tom'd" and how embarrassing it is to realize you've looked like a fuckin tool having Tom in your top friends... that you really could come up with 8 people you kinda know or even bands that you like... these two stories of sorts bring me to my rant.
The Drama of Top 8
In all honesty since the birth of the social networking craze and the ability to rank our friends no good has come of it. It's ended friendships, brewed vendettas, and honestly causes so much more trouble than it's worth. Why even have a top friends box... why do we have to rank those closest to us. I've always hated it.
First off... because I'm one of those people who gets seriously offended if I'm not in someone else's top whatever... it's like... Dude... You can't expect me to believe " un-named whore i hate 5" is a better friend to you!? It makes me feel like such a five year old... but I'm not going to lie...
that gets to me more tho... when people pretend it's not a big deal... OF COURSE it's a big deal... if having the power to break even the strongest of wills wasn't fun in some secret sadistic way... top friend applications wouldn't exist. I mean what the best way to let someone know you've moved on... rip that bitch out of the top 8... or put your new boyfriend as number one.It's the best leverage... and testing the waters... forget about it...
Of course I always feel so awkward when I have someone in my top friends and i'm not in theirs... I mean I had Nate in my top friends for like 2 months and eventually just took him out because i feel like that douche Karen that no one likes. But you know what's worse? Is when someone puts you in their top friends and you have to make a space for them... and like you can't add another row because you don't have 3 other people you really care to put up... and then you have to decide who you're gonna kick out...
I realize that being honest about being offended by all this makes me like Emo Tween of the year. But seriously... it grinds my gears. My feeling of worthlessness in someone's life should not be sparked by the fact that after 9 months, or 4 years (ahem BRITTANY! :p) I don't feel like a "top friend". I mean really... what more could I POSSIBLY do?!
In all seriousness it does hurt my feelings. And I know that makes me tool, but so be it I'm not going to pretend like it's ok. That's the end of that chapter.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Good Job Juno!
That's just ridickyickalous... I personally blame Juno. Mainly because I hated that movie and any chance I get to spurn how awful it was I take advantage of. In all seriousness I do think that god awful movie might have an inkling of responsibility for these stupid girls thinking their life would be better if they had babies... because i mean what could be better than getting to play guitar with your twit of a boyfriend. But I'm not really here to bash Juno into the ground for causing a decay in the morality of youth but rather to comment how awful the situation at hand is.
Those girls have no fucking clue what they got themselves into. One of them had been quoting as saying that they had younger siblings so they understood what it would be like... bitch please. By having my younger sibling and my niece around I couldn't think of a better contraceptive. I mean love them both but taking care of kids is hard fucking work. Especially for those first couple of years... They can't tell you what's wrong... and when they are sick it's overwhelming... when they are in your possession there is no escape.... there is no... handing them off to someone else... I know... by watching those two on occasions... especially the weekends I've taken care of my brother when my parents were out of town... there is no break. Those kids are yours and they aren't like puppies or kittens where when they aren't cute anymore you can give them away. And children are fucking expensive. From food to diapers to clothes to child care to health care to just EVERYTHING.
Further more experts have been saying the girls were looking for unconditional love. Which... just... these girls are so fucking stupid. First, *sigh* I wouldn't call the "love" from a baby to be what these girls think it will be. "Love" from infants... that's neediness... it's instinct. They NEED you, they don't LOVE you... babies have no memory until they are like two. And up until kids are like 10... most of what people call love... isn't love... it's need. And then after that... I'm sorry but when you were going on to middle school... do you remember how fucking mean you were to your parents... seriously? I mean these girls should remember that was only like 3 years ago for them. It's not until you're like... 20... that you really... appreciate everything your parents have done. These girls will not find the love that they are looking for from these babies for a long fucking time.
But here's the real tragedy in my eyes... it's not those stupid fucking girls that will make the money to care for their bastard children by exploiting how "brain-washed" they were by the media, and performing "scared straight" seminars 3 or 4 years from now. And it's not their poor bastard children that will grow up to be ungrateful bastard teenagers like their mothers... no. The REAL tragedy is going to be when these clueless boys get rounded up and thrown in jail and force to pay child support on children I have no doubt in my mind they were tricked into having. Find me a teenage boy who thinks that being a dad would be "Sweet!" as one of the girls yelled out when she found out she was preggers. Save the 24 year old homeless man... that... I dunno what the fuck was up with that. These guys are going to shunned, and force to pay out the ass, and in the ass (in jail) for something they probably wanted no part of. 5 dollars say half the girls lied about their age, or found these poor tools on myspace... Are they completely innocent... no, but honestly I hope the poor bastards won't have to pay because of the mistake these dumb girls will realize THEY made.
In the end... people on railing on the school for not providing condoms... seriously? it's obvious those girls WANTED to get pregnant what good would condoms do. How about stop providing free child care for teenage dumbasses, and WIC, and welfare. If they can't provide for the child then take the fucking child away and throw that mother in jail. I hope to god no one helps those girls. They need to learn that having kids is not a trend or a past time. And I really hope there are follow up stories to this incident.
And I hope their parents beat the hell out of them (um once the child is out of course). If I ever found out my child deliberately got pregnant before the age of 20 I'd kick them the fuck out of the house. I mean it's bad enough when a teenager is careless and makes a mistake, but to forcibly do that. What the fuck is wrong with kids these days?
Juno. That's what.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The 10 Seconds People Think About You
Today at little caeser's Nick and I talked about worrying about what people think of you...
He said that generally ... you shouldn't worry about what people think of you... because essentially... someone might think about you for 10 seconds and then forget you. Especially when you aren't around...
It makes sense I suppose... I know that was Nathan's biggest problem... if you weren't in his direct line of sight... essentially you don't... exist.. and it was up to everyone else to keep in touch... which now that he does not have a cell phone... keeping in contact is impossible...
but that's another story... back to the ten seconds...
Isn't that... isn't that part of what scares us though? Oh we say we're worried about what people think... but isn't more that they don't think... that your existence in or out of their life has absolutely no consquence or care to them... If someone only thinks about you for maybe 10 seconds and then gets on with their life... can that possibly be true...
I think about lots of people all the time... and certainly for more than 10 seconds... but do those people think about me? Probably not. And isn't that was drives us nuts... isn't that why we do what we know will get us attention... like ignoring someone who flips out by being ignored... or buying things for someone because you know then they are kinda obligated to spend some sort of time with you.... or anything really, crying, yelling, telling jokes... isn't that what life is... a never ending battle to be remembered for more than 10 seconds.
maybe it's something i should think about more... and perhaps i should stop worrying so much about whether or not i'm making people mad. Because unless they have a memory like this guy in what is slowly becoming my favorite soup clip this year... I really shouldn't worry about it.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A Lesson Well Learned
As an avid Rickroller (both loving to be rolled and do the rolling) I find it disgraceful that he not get the full LOLs he deserves... He should be right up there with funny cats, ninjas, and chuck norris.
In my attempt to spread rick astley goodness I will inform my readers who apparently live in caves what "Rickrolling" is. According to Wikipedia... RickRolling can be defined as....
a prank and involving the music video for the 1987 Rick Astley song "Never Gonna Give You Up" . The meme is a classic bait and switch: a person provides a link they claim is relevant to the topic at hand, but the link actually takes the user to the Astley video. The URL can be masked or obfuscated in some manner so that the user cannot determine the true source of the link without clicking (and thus satisfying their curiosity). By extension, it can also mean playing the song loudly in public in order to be disruptive. A person who falls for the prank is said to be "rickrolled".
In Other words... You believe your going to see something you would find cool only to realize you're staring at Rick Astley. And secretly love it. Rick Astley actually finds it rather funny which is even cooler...
I hope this has informed you greatly... .
If you still don't get it... This website has some great information about it.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
To Be Middle Class and White
I understand you were having a bad day... a family crisis with the dog and all that. I understand another employee that wasn’t ME and wasn’t even from my STORE ended up holding onto a product box from a go-phone assuming that I dunno you wouldn’t return it in... 3 days... which you’ve returned before... I gave you the benefit of the doubt that time too... it was for your daughter... ok. And now you know you’re wife put you on her plan... ok sure why not.
You come into my store with a phone with no box. I can clearly see you have everything there. But my job depends on whether or not you have that box. So because I TRUST YOU. I go out of my way to contact people to see what I can DO FOR YOU.
HOW FUCKING DARE YOU EVEN SUGGEST I’M RACIST! I’m so incredulous... even when I have helped you multiple times before that without so much as a question or a complaint... and then we have one situation that I go out of my way to fix for you... and I’m racist. Right.
The double standard sickens me... Why would you assume automatically because I can’t just hand you 80 dollars it’s a race issue. Why would you think that just cause I’m white I’m out to get you. I’m sorry it took half an hour... but guess what that half hour was my time too. Time I didn’t have to spend. You didn’t have the box. I could easily said Nope. Go to Bay Park it’s their mess. If they really lost the box take it up with them. And I don’t appreciate spending a half hour of my time to get YOU money to be called a racist...
I’m just so... It’s things like that... it just grinds my gears. It reminds me of this time... I was talking to a woman at my church and she said she liked my necklace and I couldn’t remember which one I was wearing and so I grabbed it to find out and she asked me if I had a problem with black people and if I thought she was going to steal it.
But I mean how do you tell someone that... I mean is that really proof that you’re not racist... I think in some sense... I mean I know Nathan is whiter than some white people I know... but If I was truly racist... would I have given him a second thought to know who he was after I had seen the color of his skin.
And call me Hilter if you like... but I really feel like White people are one of the most discriminated against races... It feels like Every other single race thinks we’re out to get them... that if they don’t get their way it’s because We’re racist... And It really drives me nuts... because Racism instills fear... I fear interacting with those people because they pull the race card and because its still such a sensitive subject people bend over backwards to appease them...
Had I not enjoy my job once he begin pulling the race card I wanted to tell him to leave the store and there was nothing I could do for him. Because that’s absurd... He said... "Do you normally have customers jump through all these hoops..." and it’s like what hoops? I’m the one making phone calls... I’m the one doing all the work.. all you have to do is be patient... and if you really were having a family crisis what the hell would compel you to return your phone right then. And then when I go into the back to make my phone calls you start talking bad about me calling me a racist.
I’ll go ahead and let my former boyfriend and close friend whom I care about deeply know that I actually judge him because he’s black. And the man who was a friend of the family for years who was like an uncle to me who was actually FROM Africa... I’ll let him know I only think he’s some stupid Negro. Every customer, and classmate, and co-worker and child... that I helped, related to, and conversed with, and cared for with all my heart. I’ll be sure to let them know... I’m just one big fuckin racist.
And I really hope that just like white people get embarrassed when someone really is racist... that black people are embarrassed by you for pulling that card.
In the words of Christopher Walkin...
I have a question for you... you should be ashamed of yourself.
Now if you don’t mind... I have some crosses to burn.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Judging a Book by its Cover
So... normally I like to give everyone and everything the benefit of the doubt. But I won’t lie there are times when I will judge someone or something merely on a first impression appearance. That’s not to say that first impressions are always right (*cough jory cough*) But I do believe there are some things that you can judge whether or not its worth your time.
By some things I mean movies, by movies, I mean Without a Paddle. By that I mean... Without a Paddle is without a doubt the worst movie poster ever made. So much so that I refuse to watch it.
And you say oh Rose, you bitchy catamaran surely it’s not THAT bad. To that I say... Fuck you and listen to me for tonight I will write a blog of doctoral thesis proportion to prove my point that THIS....

Is the worst movie poster ever made.
It looks innocent enough doesn’t it? Three dudes in a boat underwater... sounds like a recipe for hilarious disaster.
First. And foremost the thing that bothers me the most about this poster. Seth Green is 5’4. Dax Shepard is 6’2 and Matthew Lillard is 6’3. Both Dax and Matt have almost a foot on Seth. Do they look like they are a foot taller than Seth in that poster??? Don’t give me that bullshit about Seth is standing on something. That’s just bad editing because unless Seth has "a little captain in him" you can see the top of one sneaker and not the other. He should still be shorter than the two of them. Foreground or not.
The poster would like to suggest that the three are trapped in the middle of lake in the middle of nowhere... but that water can’t be more than 8 feet deep. In Theory they could just you know wade back to the shore. That is clearly sand that boat is resting on. The movie should be called "Inconveniently Standing in Water"
Next is the expressions on their faces... None of them suggest to me that they fully comprehend the peril of their inconvenience. Both Matt and Dax look as if they’ve seen the world’s largest cock while Seth has a look that suggests he is the owner of said cock. And for the record lake water is disgusting. why would you stand there mouth agape filtering in water that fish start, create, and end life in as well as all the body functions in between.
Next. This is mainly just poor editing... but look at their faces... notice how they are no longer besmirched under the water line. However their clothes and legs are still soiled... is this magic water? is only clean at 3 ft and then dirty again? And speaking of clothes... How in the hell am I suppose to determine what season this is... some of them are wearing shorts and a tank top, some are wearing sweat shirts and jeans. I mean yeah it’s kinda inconvenient to be in the water during the summer but I mean wouldn’t it be more disastrous if this occurred
in the winter? I mean how am I determine the severity of their situation?
And why are they standing at the same end of the boat... that’s probably how they sank in the first place. distribute weight gentlemen.
The more I look at this poster the more I remember just how terrible it is. Seriously just take a good look at it and soon it will piss you off too.
So there you have it.
Now I’m not saying that all bad posters produce bad movies... but bad posters produce bad movies.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
How About a Frosty Mug of SHUT THE HELL UP!: POST REDACTED

DISCLAIMER: I would like to think I'm a nice person. Right? Humor me for a moment my loyal legion of blog onlookers... Yeah... I can be a bitch sometimes... I will admit that I have that capacity and I have used it yes. And this my friends is one of those times. This surengence of angry has been accumlating since fucking december... and today my friends... oh... it has reached that point of no return.
Game over.
Dear You Know Who You Are:
First before I mention anything else, because this has been bothering me since fucking December. You are NOT a nice guy. You are a punk, a dick, an asshole, and to use my mom's new terminology Jerk Ball. Well hold on, I am a stickler for semantics, and really you can only know a person as well as your perceive them. So let me restate that. You told me "Don't worry Rose there are OTHER nice guys out there..." but you personally... You are NOT a nice guy to ME. To ME you are a punk, a dick, an asshole, and yes jerk ball. So argue all you want that you're really a nice guy, you can not possibly expect me to believe that you're a nice guy to me.
Now that little spat is out of the way.
This is me officially giving up on you. This is me no longer caring if you fuck up and lose your job. This is me looking out for ME, and washing my hands of YOU. After I feel guilty because I couldn't wake you up that I rush to work to make sure that it's open only to realize that you honestly don't respect me at all. I. am. done. And I know exactly what you are going to say.
No one asked you to come in, No one asked you to worry about me, I was late because of *insert lame excuse that somehow shifts the blame off of you and onto something else*
Cry me a fucking river. I did it because I had offered to wake you up, and on taking that offer that transferred responsibility to me to ensure either you woke up or to keep your ass out of trouble if something happens. I offered to wake you up as a co-worker. I covered your ass as a friend. But that's something you would not even begin to understand because from what I have been told by others and basically by you is that you don't want to be my friend.
I'm sick of trying. I'm sick of working my ass off for your approval and continually getting the cold shoulder. You seem to think it's okay to fuck up on a frequent basis and never own up to it. Saying "sorry" or "thank you" doesn't automatically get you a "get out of a bitching" card. Smiling and feeling sorry for yourself only pisses me off more.
Today, I don't think I was so much angry about you coming in late. It was when I said "We're gonna have a talk." and you straight tell me "No"
How about it? Can you figure that one out?
You're a fucking dick to me almost every single day. You snap at me, you make assumptions about my current social situation without knowing the first thing about me. You tear into me every time you are unwilling to admit that i'm right. You interrupt me all the fucking time when I'm trying to talk to you about things that are important to me. You never apologize, you always have an excuse and you must be like a professional fly fisher for pity. I think you have got to be one of the most inconsiderate selfish people I've ever met, and believe you me... i have been in the company of some pretty big assholes.
I am so angry at you and just feel so disrespected and unappreciated by you as both a co-worker and someone who has attempted to be nice to you. Before I started working at Radioshack I actually had confidence and a life. And now I feel like an empty shell of a person. Your actions and words have made me feel like less of a person. But you know what?
I'm not out to hurt you or see you lose your job. If I wanted to fuck you over I wouldn't have even bothered to call or show up. I'm not going to tell Jeff about it, if you tell him that's your choice, but like I said. I am washing my hands of you.
I know you and Jeff think I'm a stuck up bitch, I really don't care anymore. After today it has become painfully clear that you are never going to grow up, you're never going to be on time, and you're never going to better yourself. I am considering my investments of time and energy into the cultivation of your human capital to be a net loss.
This is one less person worrying about you, and claiming to "see your potential". I'm fairly convinced that you have no potential and you are the way you are not because of lack of ambition but because it's the best you can do. And that's sad.
And I know you think I always have to be right, but dude... I would love it if you could prove me wrong. But I know you can't because like I said. I see who you are now... you won't better yourself not because you won't but because you can't.
And neither can I so I'm out. Game Over. Fail.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Give a Man a Fish
so I'm not SAYING going to college makes you a better person but... going to college makes you a better person.
If I were president. Fuck universal health care, fuck social security reform, and fuck... I repeat fuck... securing the boarders...
Platform Beam and maybe if he plays his cards right Seitz (imagine the press! the first bipartisan running mates... it would be like the odd couple only this time... it's bureaucratic!) and let's give it the date... 2028. 20 years... not bad.
Would be for subsidized higher education.
Dude... why are we spending millions and millions of dollars on "bettering the less fortunate countries" when there are American citizens running around here who completely lack necessary cognitive and critical thinking skills!
Working on a task at work... I see the following thing and it honestly made my brain hurt.

It's hard to understand how frustrating that is out of context. Long story short... those products were moved, and rather than take down the pegs... they were left up out of laziness not really stupidity i suppose, but then another member of the brain trust was told to place those signs on all empty pegs... well... i suppose he's good at following directions.
There was like 12 of these all grouped together on the wall. I was so baffled by it I had to take photos of it... I mean... I ... I never wanted to be one of those people who thought they were better than others simply because they had higher education... but dude... I mean... dude.
"Give a man a fish he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish then he can tell his head from his ass." ~ Beam/Seitz* 2028
*running mate pending*
Monday, January 14, 2008
Cool Only Counts if You're a Freezepop or the Fonz
The whole thing went into the justification of why there are no more nice guys... i.e faggity fellows who cook dinner, kiss in the rain, and all that bullshit. The punch line was that all "nice guys" are turned evil by that shallow whore who keeps them as a platonic puppy. Ya know... the "friend zone" and all that hullabaloo. The whole thing made me want to throw up in my mouth a little...
because in all honesty... NICE GUYS....
Behind every shallow whore is a platonic puppy... and behind every platonic puppy... is a cool cat. Now... what do I mean by that...
Ok... would the nice guys please think for just a second... just for a second... now... think of that one girl that dated ridiculously idiotic guys ... you loved her to death... you listened to all her sob stories about douchebag boyfriends and secretly loved when she cried on your shoulder because her hair smelled like strawberries... and she's the one who always told you time and time again... she just wanted to be friends and blah blah blah... you thinking of her... of course you are... she was all you ever thought about... now stop thinking about her for just one fucking second ok?
Now think of that one friend you have. Hell she doesn't have to be a friend just think of that one person. It's a girl. She's into all the same movies and video games... she's funny as hell... almost like hanging out with one of the guys... She's smart and chill and never has a problem spotting you from time to time... She's great at boosting your ego but knocking you off the pedastool at the same... know who I'm talking about her... yeah her... she's cool and all but....
but... that word is followed by sooooo many others... doesn't matter... the important thing is that she's cool... and nice guys... the platonic puppies... DON'T DATE COOL CATS!
I myself... I am the coolest fuckin kid in school... which is probably why I can't find a guy to save my life... seriously... because guys... nice or douche... do not want cool girls... they don't want a girl that plays video games, alcohol tolerance like an irishmen, and doesn't give a shit if you go out with the guys...
I mean yeah that would fuckin rock if she was like that and had killer tits.
Cools cats turn into shallow whores because they lose they identity as soon as they realize being cool as gotten them no where... you don't get laid by have dignity... guys don't respect you... so why should you respect yourself.
So ... Nice guys... before you begin to bitch and whine that nobody loves you and that means you have to turn into a douche... maybe you should rethink your own situation in life...
because for every shallow whore that broke your heart... there was a girl right behind you that was cool and all... but.... insert your lame excuse here... it all amounts to you masturbating with your tears.
"One cool cat that refuses to turn into a shallow whore no matter how many "nice guys" turn her down."