1.) Making Sandwiches
Sorry fellas but this one area in which your sweetie is going to win every time and how could we not? We know how to put together bread and meat, a task that makes any man look a fool. Top it off with our awesome ability to cut them diagonally and it’s game over.

2.) Making Babies
Did you know that in almost 100% of cases babies come out of women!? How can you argue with odds like that?! Recent research suggests that women dominate men in giving birth to babies 1,000,000,000 to 0. Remember that next time he is upset it’s your time of the month.

3.) Doing Laundry
100s of Stock photos can’t be wrong. Women are amazing at doing laundry. We’re so great we actually have fun times with every load we get to fold. Compare this with the 5 stock photos of men doing laundry where they look unhappy, confused, and/or enraged. Let’s face it pre determined cycles and measurements is tough work for anyone without a vagina.

4.) Cry
Feeling like everything is crashing down around you because your salon doesn’t carry your favorite nail polish? You’re not alone! Studies indicate 95% of women cry every time their boyfriend suggests they need to get their fat ass back into a gym. Let it out ladies it’s something that robot of a man you’re with couldn’t possibly out do you on.

5.) Baking Cookies
The next time your love ums is dominating the grill be sure to mention this little fact that women can bake the shit out of some cookies. We’re not talking the cut and bake kind, but the ones that require stirring, and blending. Better yet, lord your awesome baking skills by getting off the computer and baking some cookies right now. That will show him!

6.) Getting Lost
Women love giving bullshit directions. Usually involving landmarks that used to be other things and memories she had with her ex but for some reason thinks they are your memories too. The only thing they love more then their navigation skills is their inability to know whether or not they are heading east or west.

7.) Complain
Next time your hubby-to-be that you’ve only known for a month is getting frustrated because you’re too cold in the movie theatre just remember he’s just jealous! Research indicates women are totally awesome at complaining. It’s just in our nature to nitpick. Sorry sirs we’re just doing what we’re best at!

8.) Holding Grudges
Remember that one time your boyfriend forgot your two and half week first kiss anniversary? What about the time Sandy didn’t invite you out to that party? The good news is holding a grudge is something you excel at simply by being a woman! Recent conversations with your man suggest “It happened one time! One fucking time!” Be sure to remind him it was actual three!

9.) Quote Inane Shit
Women love to think they are hilarious, witty, intelligent, and creative. What better way to show the world our talents by trolling pin-interest and finding that original overused quote that says exactly what we’re thinking!

Ever had trouble getting a woman to talk? Of course not! The last badge of pride of being a member of the fairer sex is our ability to chew your fucking ear off. Women love talking. Just ask any man who crossed the line of listening about hilarious things a woman’s cat did, and how attractive that woman was.

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