So first I'd like to share a short antic dote that did not happened directly to me but that I would not doubt many of us have seen before.
A friend of mine was recently enjoying a late lunch at Noodles and Company when he notices a couple across from him about to sit down for their meal. Everything seems to be going normally when all of a sudden the man begins to pray over his food. A classic case of what I like to call....
PDR: Public Display of Religion

Public displays of religion (which will now be referred to as PDR) occur in most religions... but the ones that grind my gears the most seem to take place within the Christian religion. Whether it is leaching outside locals bars looking for a new piece of convert or their attempts to draw attention to themselves with things like what occur at Noodles it always feels so forced, gaudy, and self righteous.
I don't have anything wrong with loving Jesus... that's cool, but to be Christian is to be Christ-like, and I just can't imagine Jesus walked around...
"Man I am so glad I died for sins. I love me soooo much... hey hey Jew! Guess what? I love me and I died for you! Ya buddy... All me! Up HIGH!"
My belief is that love for Jesus is just like regular love... in the sense that if you want be on your knees worshiping all night till you scream "LORD!" in your own house then that's your business. Think of loving Jesus as loving your body... it's healthy to do it privacy, in public... it's called Indecent Exposure.
And what kind of country is this that I can't smoke in a bar, but I have to be exposed to second-hand religion? No sir. I'm not say a person shouldn't be free to thank god for the meal... but... Him Damnit... he's fucking omnipotent.... not deaf! Be humble about it you jackass....
I guess what I'm saying is... when PDR happens... these people aren't concerned with showing Jesus how much they love him... but that other people know how much they love him.
I appreciate Jesus for his love of God and his belief that he could sacrifice himself to save humanity... but... that's between Jesus and myself... same goes for God. It's not important to me that people know that I love God... it's important to me that God knows that... and if he's really omnipotent ... then he knows before I even say it.
In conclusion... remember the sweetness of subtly. Wearing a cross (well most crosses. please see above.) is like a sweet smile for or a holding hands with Jesus. Obviously praying in a public restaurant is like giving Jesus a hand job in public. It's awkward for everyone involved.